Module: Health and social care: policy and legal frameworks

Module Number: XGBCYP4202

Assessment 2 Essay : The essay requires conceptual and policy analysis

Word Count: 2000 words

  1. Choose ONE policy or legislation.
  2. Evaluate the impact of this policy or legislation on service delivery and social care

Title: The impact of (insert your chosen legislation or policy on (insert your topic e.g. child abuse/teenage pregnancy/COVID19/community mental health) in the United Kingdom

Key Words: Select five key words which are the most important to your topic (for example if you are writing about child abuse one key word might be “neglect”; if you are writing about COVID 19 for example one key word might be “social bubble”)

Introduction: (250 words)

  1. Use statistics to tell the reader how big a problem your topic (e.g. child abuse) is in the UK
  2. Talk a little bit about why your chosen new legislation/policy was needed
  3. Introduce your legislation or policy and state its aims and objectives

Main Body (1500 words)

  1. Identify THREE ways in which your chosen policy has impacted (helped or not helped) your chosen topic (e.g. child abuse, COVID 19) in terms of BOTH service delivery and social care.
  2. Under each subheading:
    • Discuss the aims of this action area – what did the policy document say should happen
    • How should this action area impact service users
    • Discuss the role of the professionals involved to make this area of action identified in the policy
    • Give examples of services involved in this action area to make an impact
    • Were their difficulties? Limiations? Challenges in this impact area?

Heading 1 (500 words)

Heading 2 (500 words)

Heading 3 (500 words)

Conclusion (250 words)

  1. Briefly summarise what you have written under each heading
  2. Identify current issues in your chosen topic
  3. Make a suggestion as to future policy, or legislation which is needed to address the issues in your chosen topic


Include references from research journals or government reports using HARVARD format. Remember to reference your chosen legislation or policy.


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