Unit Number: D/618/5042

Unit Title: Entrepreneurial Ventures

Assignment Title : Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Vocational Scenario Activity 1 (Business report of 2000 – 2500 words)

You have recently been hired as a graduate intern by the Social Enterprise (SE), UK. The SE group is an association for independent entrepreneurs and companies that create business to support development change in their communities. SE UK is to present a report at a workshop organized by the Federation of Small Business (FSB) for funding. Your line manager is going to present some contemporary facts about entrepreneurship including a generic review of entrepreneurial ventures. To facilitate the workshop, your line manager has also asked you to produce a research report on entrepreneurship & entrepreneurial mindset.

Your report should address the following:

a). With examples, investigate the scope of entrepreneurship (e.g., technology entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, corporate entrepreneurship, lifestyle, etc.) and examine the traits and characteristics associated with these different entrepreneurships.

b). Critically evaluate the different types of entrepreneurial ventures (small, medium and large companies, etc.), highlighting the similarities and differences in their traits and characteristics.

c). Using relevant examples, explain entrepreneurial mindset and examine how important the different skills and characteristics associated with entrepreneurial mindset are critical in promoting (small) business projects.

d). Explain how factors such as family upbringing, cultural background, education, and lifestyle contribute to entrepreneurial mindset.

e). With examples, provide a critical examination of these factors (i.e., point ‘d’) and how they are associated with developing entrepreneurial mindset.

Vocational Scenario Activity 2 (PPT Slides with words around 1500 to 2000 words)

SE UK has arranged a follow up meeting to encourage and seek support from the City Council members of your community on the topic ‘Contribution of SMEs and Intrapreneurship’. This is an exciting project with high expectation for SE, UK. You have just completed a successful completion of six months internship towards your full employment following your HND Business program at GBS. Trusting your abilities, your line manager has asked you to lead the meeting. You are the main speaker, assigned ten (10) minutes to deliver your presentation which should cover the following:

f). Examination micro, small, medium- and large businesses in the UK, and a comparison of these organization with relevant statistics (see gov.uk).

g). Use relevant data to appraise the different roles SMEs play and how they impact the economy of UK at different levels (e.g., international, national, regional, local etc.).

h). Make a comparison of public and corporate Intrapreneurship and explore their relevant and contribution to stimulating competitive advantage in their sector institutions.

i). Evaluate the benefits of promoting intrapreneurship to organizations (small, medium, large)


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