Module Code: TRADE 5001

Module Subject: Trade Strategies and Opportunities

Assignment : New and emerging issues in trade agreements

Length: 2500-3000 words (circa 8 pages, plus references

Choice of Topics – Proposals for/ Chapters and Provisions in ‘Modern’ Trade Agreements


Digital Trade and Technology Rules

Promote regulatory regimes conducive to more exports, investment, movement of people/ideas.


Trade and Investment Conditions

Create more opportunities, balanced with protections, for our firms, people and investors.


Environment OR Labour Standards/Regulation

Uphold and defend fairness, competition and sustainability in the rules-based trading system..


Trade and Development – SDT/Eco cooperation

Reframe rights and responsibilities, ensuring equity, and support for economic development.


  • Imagine you are writing in the capacity representing a fictional trade/industry association/sector, investor, company, NGO etc.
  • Eg Q1. Tech/service industry Q2. Chamber of Commerce or Investor/MNC Q3. Exporter group or NGO. Q4. SMEs or civil society group
  • Provide policy advocacy and arguments on a preferred approach – address the government trade representative in negotiations.


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