Module Code: TMDLTB101
Module Title: Delivering Successful Projects
Assignment Title: Individual project report
Word limit: 2000 words +/- 10%
Learning outcomes assessed:
- Understand and define project management and the characteristics of projects.
- Recognise and evaluate the different phases of a project at any point of its progression.
Assignment brief:
Projects can range from very small individual ones, with no direct cost, to major multi-million-pound ones. This assessment tests the knowledge and skills you have developed throughout the module in relation to different projects.
The Marble Arch Mound is a project that was commissioned by Westminster City Council and opened on 26 July 2021.
The following sources provide some information on the project, but you are encouraged to carry out further research yourselves:
- 10-minute Video walk around
- The Marble Arch Mound concept
- Westminster City Council update on Marble Arch Mound
The project is considered to have been a ‘failure’ for various reasons. Provide an academic report that identifies some of the reasons that the project might be considered a failure. Make some recommendations that might mitigate these reasons, and ensure success, for future projects that they undertake (2000 words +/- 10%).
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