Module Code: BS2SX1
Module Title: The Digital Workplace
Word Count: The maximum word count for the assessment ( investigation write-up and poster) is 2,500 words.
This assignment is focussed upon how organisations and industries have been impacted by Digital Disruption / Digital Transformation and allows students to think about what will happen next. The assignment is designed so that you can investigate an organisation / industry that is of interest to you from an employment perspective – so you get to choose the focus the organisation / Industry.
In general terms, the task is to investigate the extent to which a specific organisation and the associated industry / sector) has been impacted by digital disruption / digitalisation and to make predictions about the future, including what future employment might look like.
Firstly, 1500 words write up:
- Introduce the organisation and industry sector
- Explain digital disruption and the discuss the extent that the organisation ( and industry) has been impacted
- Explain digitalisation and evaluate examples of digitalisation activity undertaken by the organisation
- Comment on what future changes may be caused by digital disruption / digitalisation in this industry, including reference to future employment
Secondly, you create a poster that provides an overview of your investigation ( so no new research – just the key “takeaways” from your investigation ). The idea is that the poster would spark the interest of the reader and encourage them to read the whole investigation. Posters are often used to share information and are an important part of many conferences, seminars and exhibitions – so a good workplace skill to develop.
I am suggesting that you use PowerPoint to create your Poster ( as this is relatively straightforward) .Realistically, the maximum words you can sensibly fit on your poster is approx. 500 words . The poster is therefore the exciting overview of your evaluation of the impact of digital disruption for your chosen organisation / industry and will include some images / graphs / tables/ bullet points etc. You will also be asked to record a 5 minute narration for the poster, using Panopto.
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