The development of CRISPR technology and its implications for population health

CRISPR (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) technology is an hallmark of a bacterial defense system that forms the basis of CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology. CRISPR is a family of DNA sequence, found in genomes of prokaryotic organisms like Archaea and bacterias. CRISPR (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) technology is a process of fragmentation of their DNA, which were previously infected are used to detect and Destroy DNA’s of similar bacterias by injecting subsequent infections. CRISPR (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) technology is highly precise genetical editing tool, which is used in changing cancer research and treatment. Ever since the scientist have realised that changes in DNA causes cancer they have been searching multiple methodologies to change and then manipulate DNA and CRISPR technology helps in editing our genes and DNA by finding a specific bit of DNA inside a cell and editing it. In this process, altering the piece of DNA takes place which is according to the infection caused. Furthermore, there are multiple diseases which can be cured by this technology such as blood disorders, muscular dystrophy, Covid-19, AIDS, Huntingtons disease, blood disorders, cystic fibrosis, etc.

Jennifer Doudna is the mother of CRISPR technology because she invented this technology and currently the advancement toward this technology is happening at a rapid speed. Furthermore, this treatment is safe and long-lasting and Through this Technologies the human Trials on cells have been commenced too. Furthermore, there are multiple companies who uses CRISPR technology such as Editas Medicine, Inari Agriculture, Intellia Therapeutics, Agenovir Corporation, Intellia Therapeutics, Horizon Discovery Group, Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats Therapeutics, Horizon Discovery Group, Agenovir Corporation, Caribou Biosciences, Beam Therapeutics, etc.

The implication of CRISPR technology is important because it allows scientists to rewrite an individual’s genetic code to almost any organism. It is cheaper, ease to use, affordable and more precise than any other previous genetical editing techniques. Moreover, It has a range of real-world application, including curing, genetic disease, and creating drought-resistant crops. Furthermore, The implication is advantageous because it can be accessible from anywhere and it has positive controlled clinical trial with adequate reviews and policies. Moreover, it will have a major impact towards society as it would be a feasible technique for diagnostic and therapeutic methods where medicines just allowed to be more personalised treatment of cancers, blood disorders, which were not been curable previously but CRISPR  technology has opened doors for curing such inevitable diseases too. If we talk about the step-by-step guide of using this technology, then first, it decides the genes or DNA, which needs to be modified and then the process of cutting, activating, and inhibiting takes place. The next step is deciding the endonuclease protein, that which one is to use the redesigning of gRNA to the target genes of interest take place assembling of gRNA expression in vector cell format is been commenced & assembling of plasma at the bench takes place and finally, engineering of cell is been concluded. These is how this technology works.

Currently through the trials and reviews. It has been yield that 21 to 28 percent efficiency is been observed in mice, who was suffering from HIV infection and with the constant improvement, there would be an increase in the accuracy and relatively low production cost would be observed. Hence, this technology is the future of tomorrow for curing diseases and improving agriculture that will help us to repair the genetical disorders like sickle cell, anemia or hemophilia.



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