
Assessment 2: Group Presentation

Task description

The group presentation presents the social epidemiological background of your allocated topic (see details above), including data (and a critique of those data) that will inform your literature review (assessment #4). The 10 minute presentation will:

  1. Give an overview of the topic (see Topic selection: Assessments 2 and 4 above)
  2. Provide relevant epidemiological data to give context
  3. Explain how social factors influence your chosen topic and identify and critique the epidemiological data, including strengths and weaknesses
  4. Identify high-risk groups and show the way in which social factors may impact on risk. This may include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, populations on a low income, older adults, or other specific populations that would be impacted by strategies to address the chosen topic in the community of interest.

Topic selection: Assessments 2 and 4

Your topic for the Group presentation and Individual Literature Review is chosen early in term. The topics below are broad: for instance, in topic 3 you could focus on a particular disease (eg malaria or dengue fever) or population. Talk to your unit coordinator/tutor about the focus you wish to take, or if you have a particular alternate topic you are interested in*. Assessment topics in Term 1 2022 include:

  1. Ageing in rural and regional settings
  2. Health consequences of a changing climate through an equity lens
  3. Vector-borne diseases in the 21st century

* Alternate topics cannot include any of those from the previous three years of this Unit. Discuss with your tutor before confirming the topic.

Your presentation slides must include the following:

  • Title slide – include the topic and the full name and ID number of each contributing student;
  • A final slide containing the references cited (Harvard style);
  • Each slide (excepting the Title and Reference slides) should include background research information in the Notes area and citations for that slide
  • Allow for ~ one minute per slide ie typically, in a 10 minute presentation you would have 10-12 slides of content.

Assessment criteria

  • Epidemiological data relevant to the topic are presented and summarized: 20%
  • Critique of data is presented: 20%
  • Needs of vulnerable groups relevant to implementing a strategy to address the assigned condition are outlined and discussed: 20%
  • Student’s individual contribution is significant and shows understanding of the topic as well as of the element presented: 20%
  • Language of the presentation (oral and written) is clear and easily understood: 10%
  • All work reflects the students’ own thinking and words, referencing is correctly and accurately done, and any direct quotations are properly identified according to academic convention: 10%

Referencing Style: Harvard (author-date)


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