Module code: MGBBT1TEN

Module title:Tourism Environment and Industry

Assignment : Essay 2,000 words

Assignment task

This assignment involves preparing an individual written essay on your understanding of the key concepts and models relevant to the tourism industry.

Module learning outcomes:

LO1: Understand and apply theoretical concepts and models relevant to the tourism industry and its academic study.

LO2: Identify and explain the key components involved in the study of the contemporary tourism industry.

Task requirements:


This assignment will encourage students to gain an understanding of the tourism principles and development of tourism industry.


The submission of a written essay that discusses the tourism environment of a sustainable destination country of your choice, using a wide variety of research materials (2,000 words).

Essay (2,000 words) – 50%

You are required to produce an essay through the use of a variety of research materials.

“Understanding the tourism environment and its stakeholders at the tourism destination country of your choice”

The essay must include:

  1. Introduction: You should give the reader an overview about what the essay is all about.
    1. Paragraph 1: Define the concept of sustainable tourism and its principles for sustainable tourism development in your destination country.
    2. Paragraph 2: Identify and discuss the role of stakeholders involved in the decision making of sustainable tourism development.
    3. Paragraph 3: Analyse the macro environmental factors contributing to the sustainable development of your tourism destination (positively or negatively).
    4. Paragraph 4: Analyse the competitive micro-environment and tourists’ motivating factors influencing the demand of your tourism product.
  2. Conclusion :You should provide summary and recommendations of your findings.


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