Module Code: LBR 7399

Module Subject : Leadership and Project Management

Summative Assessment: 3,000-word Essay

Each student enrolled in this module is required to develop and submit a project management proposal primarily addressing a service improvement, resource development or a policy change with reference to leadership competencies through the technical steps and phases of project management. The purpose of this proposal is to allow each student within his/her area of study to demonstrate rigour and auditability in the initiation, planning, implementation and evaluation of a change or improvement of service  while embracing the ethos of improved quality and safety of communities and patient care. This proposal will ultimately prepare the student to progress to undertaking a Project Management for an MSc Dissertation whilst providing practical change management and leadership skills to inform professional development.

You are asked to identify an area of your organization, an event or situation from your own area of study in which leadership or lack of leadership was a factor influencing aspects of care, practice, profession, and/or policy; and provide a strategy on how change could be implemented and managed. It may be an event or situation in which you were/are involved, one that you witnessed, or one that you have not experienced but which is important to you.

Remember this project management proposal is basically a statement of intent. It should present a clear picture of what is planned and why the project is worthwhile. The ‘Assessment Format and Marking Criteria’ section below presents guidelines and instructions to help with the development of the proposal in general, and particularly the level of depth in analysis and completion required for each phase of the project management structure.


Assessment Format and Marking Criteria

  1. INTRODUCTION  (10% – max. 250 words)

This section must present a general outline of the proposed project and set the scene for the whole project. It should include, but is not limited to, the following elements:

  • A concise background  explaining why the project (e.g., policy change, service improvement, resource development) should be carried out, including sources from the literature review setting the theoretical basis for undertaking the project
  • Definition of the magnitude of the current problem (situation) and related consequences if nothing is done
  • Description of how the project’s outcomes (once completed) will improve policy change or improve service, and thereby benefit the target population, departments, and the organization
  • Description of how your proposed change and anticipated lead role within the proposed change relate to your area of study


2. PROJECT INITIATION (30% – max. 800 words)

This is an important section in which you must define the scope of the project and build a business case demonstrating arguments and reasons for undertaking this project.  This should include information on the following:

  • Define the process undertaken to know whether you go/do not go with the project. In other words, demonstrate and analyse the forces or pressures for and against the project (change).
  • Describe the analysis undertaken to understand the possible root causes of the situation at hand.
  • State the project’s goal(s) and objectives. It is essential to demonstrate the linkages or relationships between the project’s objective statements and results of analyses above.
  • Describe the different stakeholders involved in the proposed project. Differentiate among those who are going to benefit from the project and those who are invested in the project.  In addition, briefly describe how you would anticipate interacting and working with each primary stakeholder and discuss possible conflicts and challenges.    


3. PROJECT PLANNING & FEASIBILITY (30% – max. 800 words)

This section calls for the development of a feasible and realistic action plan delineating the major tasks or activities, thus providing the project with high probability for meeting its objectives.

  • Articulate the project assumptions (e.g., scope of the project, availability of resources and staff, IT support, duration of the project)
  • Identify main activities you wish to implement/complete by the end of the project:
  • state major activities/tasks (work to be done) or evidence-based practice required to achieve each project’s objective; and
  • define expertise and resources required and primary responsibility for each major activity.
  • Develop a schedule (Gantt Chart) illustrating main activities/tasks and related milestones and indicate the order of activities/tasks and their dependencies.
  • Identify and analyse potential risks and develop risk reduction strategies
  • Develop a communication plan, including methods, frequency and the recipients of such communication



This section includes two major components to ensure an effective and efficient implementation of the project.  However, because of this phase of the project management which generally may take longer than the module’s duration, the expectation for this assignment is for you to demonstrate the skills and abilities needed by discussing your ideas and actions you intend to do. To this end, your ideas and actions should be around the following:

  • Describe transition phase from the planning phase to implementation phase
  • Discuss how would you use the Gantt Chart and the Communication Plan for the monitoring and reporting functions
  • Based on the types and complexities of activities, what leadership styles and skills would you adopt during the implementation and monitoring?
  • Consider a scenario in which one of the potential risks (as identified in the planning phase) or a conflict occurred. What would you do to address the situation in terms of leadership and communication skills?


5. PROJECT EVALUATION (20% – max. 450 words)

This section calls for an assessment of whether the objectives were met and the project was completed within set schedule and resources.  Similarly to the implementation and monitoring phase, the expectation for this section is to discuss methods and skills to evaluate aspects of the project emphasizing on the following:

  • Describe the purpose of the project of the evaluation
  • Assessment of each objective
  • Data/information needed to assess whether each objective was met
  • Data/information sources
  • Assessment of effectiveness of your communications and leadership styles adopted throughout the change process
  • From whom and why?
  • Describe briefly the limitations of the project


6. CONCLUSION (10% – max. 250 words)

Discuss how you will transfer the lessons learned from the project to your own role and position and how you will use this learning experience to help develop others to manage projects more effectively. Also discuss the project’s transferability to other areas of relevant practice.



You should detail all references included in the project.  Note that Harvard referencing is required including page numbers and recognition of secondary sources where appropriate.  Electronic sources must also be fully referenced as recommended by the University Library’s Guidance Booklet available at:


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