how to write an effective conclusion

What is a Conclusion:

There are various reasons due to which students find difficulty in writing an effective conclusion of an essay. Conclusion is the closing paragraph of the essay. As it represents the final part of your essay, students are tired by the time they write conclusion. The creativity also sounds low at this time. There are various approaches that have been taught to us to write concluding paragraphs. Few suggestions include introduction inversion while some suggest avoiding this approach while ending our essays. Although, there isn’t any specific way to write the conclusion, it still needs to follow some guidelines which can be beneficial in making our paper or essay end on a powerful note. Conclusion gives you the chance to put a final good impression on the reader. It is as important as introduction in an essay, hence should be given due care, effort and hard work. It is a place where you can give the final insight to the reader regarding your topic. A good conclusion can leave the reader with a long lasting wonderful impact of your essay and a bad conclusion can leave the reader frustrated at the same time.

Types of conclusions:

There are in general three types of conclusions:

  1. Summarisation- This is used in case of technical writings based on clinical subjects. Summarisation can be used in surveys, reports or definitions. As paraphrasing of the major ideas is done in these essays, it is used in those writings where the reader needs a reminder of the key points of the essay. In addition, usage of reflexive references should be avoided.
  2. Editorisation- This type of conclusion is used when the author is dealing with a controversial topic. It could be when the author wants to develop a personal connection with the audience or has an appeal for convincing the reader.
  3. Externalisation- It is most commonly employed in essays which discuss an issue that belongs to a larger complex subject. Externalised conclusions behave as transitions into separate but related subjects which eventually lead to developing of discussion by the reader. This conclusion in turn opens a door for the development of new thesis entirely.

Do’s and Dont’s of an Effective Conclusion:

Do’s of an effective conclusion:

The following points should be kept in mind while writing a strong and influential conclusion

  • Restating thesis- Although it does not seem stylish to restate the thesis statement while writing the conclusion, restating the statement can build a strong evidence for your argument in the mind of the reader. It tells the author that the reader is really serious about his claim. The purpose of the thesis statement is to drive the essay or paper towards a particular direction by emphasising on the argument made in the thesis statement in the introduction section. It puts an idea in the mind of the reader that the author has not deviated from his track. Thesis statement should be restated in the conclusion after paraphrasing while still keeping the original message.
  • The next most important thing to do in conclusion is to reemphasise the significance of your topic or work by putting it in a broader context in front of the reader. You have to answer questions like what meaning your work added or subject added to the field or discipline of the study in case of paper writing. However, in case of essay one can simply explain the significance of the subject or the topic for the benefit of the society. One can relate the argument to the other broader areas of the field and tell the reader how the knowledge in the current topic can advance other fields of study.
  • In addition the author can also offer suggestions that can be taken up in the future on the basis of the arguments made by the author in the essay or the paper. Bringing in the future aspect of the study can actually make the reader believe in the meaningfulness of the work or the subject. If you are making your point in an effective manner in the essay, you can assume that the reader will surely believe in your predictions and would take them seriously along with understanding the relevance of your arguments. When we bring future aspects into our studies, this leaves a long lasting impression on the minds of the reader. The reader will be forced to think about the subject even after finishing reading your essay or paper.
  • A quote can be used to end the conclusion on a strong note or some personal experience which can summarise your paper or essay would prove effective. In addition, usage of illustrative examples can also prove beneficial in ending conclusions. Apart from all the mentioned suggestions, the conclusion should not exceed the word limit i.e. it should be concise and brief.

Don’ts of an effective conclusion:

  • Using new information in conclusion section should be avoided. The purpose of conclusion is wrapping up your article, you should not bring in additional aspects of your study in conclusion that you might have forgotten to include in the body paragraphs of your essay. If you really want to add some new information in the conclusion section of the essay, do add background information about the idea in the body paragraphs of the essay as well.
  • You should never change your stand in the conclusion section. You must not move away from your main argument made in the main study. There should be no sign of apology in your conclusion for the specific stand that you have taken in your article. If you have the courage to stand with your own argument and claims throughout the article or essay, you will definitely win the expectations of the people.
  • Always end the conclusion in a way that the reader should be satisfied with your evidences and the reader should have an inherent feeling that all questions have been answered appropriately by the author. It should not end in a way that the reader might think there should be a sequel to it for answering the remaining doubts.
  • The conclusion should be able to make the reader feel fortunate that he came across your article, essay or paper. It must be effective enough to make your readers see and feel things differently. You can also include points where appropriate that can enrich the life of the reader in some way. You should consider conclusion as a gift you can offer to your readers.

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