Module Code: FY028

Module Title: Inquiry Based Learning

Assignment task

In this assignment, you will undertake an inquiry-based project.  You will need to research current trends in the retail industry, using valid research sources.  Then you will choose one company and conduct an analysis of that company, using relevant business models.  The name of this organisation will need to be confirmed with your tutor.  You will then need to make recommendations on what that organisation needs to do to focus on continuing their success, or alternatively what they need to focus on to survive.  It would be valuable to choose an organisation where you might be able to visit and potentially do some primary research on friends and family who might be customers of that organisation.

It is expected that the report (including any other requirements, will be around 2000 words: 650 words for the trends in retail, 650 for the analysis of the organisation and 650 for the recommendations.

You will be expected to devote substantial time to completing this project independently, in addition to any scheduled teaching in the module.

You are expected to meet the following milestones (key actions and dates you need to achieve as part of the process). Precise dates will be agreed with your module tutor and supervisor:

  1. Submit a plan for your project for approval and formative feedback from your supervisor
  2. Provide a progress update on your project
  3. Deliver the project report


FY028: Inquiry Based Learning Project

It is anticipated that this proposal will be 200-300 words (excluding the project title and reference list).   It will be possible to use this as the basis for the introduction to the final project report.

Your project supervisor can review this document and help you to improve and develop your ideas.  It is really important that you attend your project supervision so that you can benefit from this support.

This proposal should be emailed to your lecturer by the end of week 4.

Complete the following sections:

The title of my project is:

This will be your aim (research question) but written as a title rather than a question.

To understand the challenges of high street retailers like Debenhams

To study the challenges faced by UK’s high street retailers

The theme and some background information:

What is your theme?  Provide some background information to describe and explain the theme.

This inquiry based project focuses on identifying the challenges faced by leading fashion retailers such as Debenhams. Many studies indicate that high street retailers have come under lot of pressure due to the popularity of online retailing. BBC (2019) revealed that many high street retailers such as Toys R Us, MotherCare, House of Fraser etc. went bankrupt due to the pressure exerted by online retailers such as Asos, Therefore, this project intends to study the challenges and provide appropriate recommendations to Debenhams.

Reason for choosing this theme:

What makes this theme particularly relevant or useful currently for you or for others studying your degree subject or working in a related industry?

There are many job losses reported in the retail sector in last five years. As a business student, I am very curious to understand the future trend and direction of the retail sector.


What is your research question? (One)

How could the UK’s high street retailers face the challenges posed by online retailers?

What are the challenges faced by UK’s high street retailers?

How the aim will be achieved:

What points or sub-topics are you planning to include?

These may become sub-headings in your final work. Aim for 3-5 sub-topics at this stage.  Too few sub-topics can limit the scope and make it hard to achieve the word count; but too many can limit potential for analysis and make it hard to stay within the word count.

To identify the trends in retail sector

To analyse the external environment using PESTEL and Porter’s five forces model

To carry out primary data collection

To provide recommendations based on secondary and primary data collection

Primary data collection would be based on a small survey questionnaire

Reference List (at least 2 references)

What sources have you used so far?


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