Module code: BU6403

Module Subject: Strategic Management

Report Format. 2,000 words (+ 10% max) (50% weighting)

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Critically appraise the strategic directions that can be chosen by organisations through the application of relevant theoretical concepts and apply these concepts to complex strategic issues.
  2. Critically evaluate case studies in strategic direction, strategy implementation and strategic management.

Assessment Task:

“You are to conduct an industry-level analysis for sector of your choice. From this analysis you are required to select and critically appraise at least two strategic directions that would be suitable for a large organisation operating in that industry.

You are then required to critically evaluate the process of following this direction with a focus on:

  • The implementation of the new strategy
  • The management of the implementation process

Specific Criteria/Guidance:

Development of the industry analysis could be centred on a Porter’s five forces analysis to determine the level of competitiveness. Your analysis can then be used to justify the choice of strategic directions that you have selected some of these may include growth: strategies (Ansoff/BCG/GE/McKinsey); generic strategies (Porter) or blue ocean strategy. This part is worth 45% of the overall mark.

Part two requires a critical evaluation of the implementation and management of the strategic direction that you have selected. For implementation you could consider strategic planning, allocation of resources, responsibilities. The evaluation of strategic management may include setting objectives, reviewing progress, and taking corrective action when necessary. This part is worth 45% of the overall mark.

Your work will also be assessed on the use of references and research, and your general communication skills (10%).


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