Module Code: BTM5TCI

Module Title: Tourism Contemporary Issues

Case Study Report : 4000 words

Assignment requirements:

This assignment involves preparing a 4,000-word case study report on your understanding of Tourism Contemporary Issues (TCI). You are required to use theories, concepts, and contemporary practices to support your argument. Use examples from the case study (AirBnB) and further research to demonstrate a clear understanding of contemporary tourism, including demographic changes and trends in consumer demand, expectations and sustainability issues, the development of contemporary tourism products, and issues around governance in tourism.

Assignment tasks to be completed:

You are required to study the case and then write a report of 4,000 words (this can be over or under by 10%, i.e., 400 words) in relation to your analysis of the case organisation:

  1. Identify and evaluate contemporary issues affecting Airbnb, with clear examples and theoretical backing.
  2. Understand and analyse customer trends and their influence on Airbnb’s services and community impacts.
  3. Evaluate the impacts (economic, social, environmental) of Airbnb on host communities and suggest sustainable tourism practices.
  4. Analyse and synthesize new ideas to recommend future sustainable strategies for Airbnb as it navigates contemporary challenges.


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