Module Number: BMP5005
Module Name: Enterprise, Innovation & Creativity
Assessment Type (and weighting): Group Project Plan – 50% (3000 words)
Assessment Name: Business Plan
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO3: Develop and justify a plan for a business opportunity
LO4: Analyse support and resource requirements, as well as potential risks and barriers, in relation to a business opportunity
Assessment Brief:
Your objective is to design a comprehensive plan for a novel and innovative product (could be a tangible product or a service) of your preference. You need to form a group of 4 or 5 students and create a group project plan for a new business opportunity and the support and resources required, as well as potential risks and barriers. Your goal should be to cover the following topics:
- An assessment of the external environment in relation to the opportunity
- Justification of the value of the opportunity being developed
- An analysis of limiting and enabling factors in relation to the exploitation of the opportunity as well as potential risks and barriers
- A consideration of the major functional elements of the business including Production, Marketing and Financial Strategy/Plan
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