Module Code: BMGT3221
Module Title: Rethinking Organisational Values
Assignment 2: Individual improvement strategy
Learning Outcomes:
- LO1: Apply and critically analyse current ethical and responsible management concepts and different forms of sustainability along with their impact on organisations.
- LO4: Demonstrate the ability to analyse, synthesise and present qualitative and quantitative data, both in an individual and group environment, by the application of methodological techniques.
Assignment task(s):
Apply appropriate frameworks and models* reviewed on the course as necessary to complete the following 4 assignment components:
- Using appropriate frameworks identify up to 3 key issues relevant to the case study business, justify their importance and discuss the complexities involved in resolving them (30%).
- Apply frameworks, refer to expert opinion, and use evidence from the case to explore potential options to address the key issues (40%).
- Present recommendations to the Board in terms of a balanced improvement strategy to take the business forward (30%).
- Presentation of the report, quality of argument and communication.
Your work will be graded against 4 criteria which are shown on the grading matrix. Your success in each criterion will determine your final grade.
- Objective identification of key issues, the rationale selecting them and understanding of the complexities involved in resolving them
- Application of frameworks, use of relevant and credible research to support work, and filtering of potential options to identify recommendations to address issues
- Quality of recommendations to take the business forward, credibility of recommendations, likelihood of success, relevance and detail of implementation plan
- Academic skills demonstrated: presentation of report, use of English language, spelling, grammar, punctuation, quality of expression, accuracy, credibility, and relevance of references used.
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