Module Code: HSC301

Unit Title: An introduction to Health and Social Care

word-length: 1000 words

This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the Unit:

  • Learning Outcome 1. Understand the main roles and responsibilities of health and social care workers when delivering care.
  • Learning Outcome 2. Understand the roles of regulatory and professional bodies in relation to the delivery of high-quality care.
  • Learning Outcome 3. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of the inter-professional team in delivering health and social care.

Summative Assessment details:

Task 1 (300 words)

Show understanding of the main roles and responsibilities of health and social care workers when delivering care.

1.1: Explain how health and social care professionals protect individuals in their care.

1.2: Discuss the mechanisms for reporting poor practice in health and social care.

Assessment Criteria

1.1: Explain how health and social care professionals protect individuals in their care.

1.2: Discuss the mechanisms for reporting poor practice in health and social care.

Task 2 (300 words)

Show understanding of the importance of regulatory bodies in delivery of high quality care.

2.1: Discuss the roles of regulatory bodies that inspect health and social care provision.

2.2: Identify the professional bodies that regulate the professions within health and social care.

Assessment Criteria

2.1: Discuss the roles of regulatory bodies that inspect health and social care provision.

2.2: Identify the professional bodies that regulate the professions within health and social care.

Task 3 (400 words)

Evaluate the role of the inter-professional team in delivering health and social care.

3.1: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the inter-professional team in meeting care needs in the case study.

3.2: Discuss the difference between multidisciplinary and inter-professional team working.

3.3: Discuss the potential barriers to team working and how they could be overcome.

Assessment Criteria

3.1: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the inter-professional team in meeting care needs in the case study.

3.2: Discuss the difference between multidisciplinary and inter-professional team working.

3.3: Discuss the potential barriers to team working and how they could be overcome


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