Module code: BMSW4003
Module title: Digital Skills and Research Methods
Report – The importance of digital skills when applying for a job.
Upon the successful completion of this module, the student should be able to:
- Evaluate the appropriate use of contemporary technologies to improve workplace efficiency and employability;
- Identify and effectively evaluate a range of information sources; show competence in workplace data handling.
In your report your must include the following sections:
- Introduction (200words)
- An overview of the types of digital technology used when recruiting staff. (400 words)
- How has Covid-19 increased the use of technology when recruiting staff? (400 words)
- What are the benefits of using digital technology in the workplace? (400words)
- What are the disadvantages of using digital technology in the workplace? (400 words)
- Conclusion (200 words)
Within your report you must aim to include one piece of relevant data relating to use of digital technology.
Within your report you must include a minimum of six referenced sources of information,
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