Module Code: MPM7006
Module Title: Project Management Innovations
Assessment title: Individual Presentation
No longer than 10 minutes in duration, containing 1 Cover Page Slide, 5 Content Slides, One Reference Slide
Task/assessment brief:
Hardy-Vallee (2012) refers to Gallup behavioural economic research suggesting that behavioural based project management will lead to greater success of projects, especially given that two of the three main reasons projects fail are related to people or change factors. More recently Johanna Rothman on Project hosted a webinar entitled ‘Want more innovation? Manage for Change.” claiming existing change processes are insufficient.
Project X is a part of the UK Cabinet office. Their mandate is to rethink how the government delivers value through Project Management. More information on the organisation can be found at
The head of Project X has asked you to make a presentation to a group of project managers that investigates how innovative behaviour-based approaches can influence projects and answer the question:
How can we encourage greater innovation in projects that are run through change averse organisations?
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