NURBN 2025: Primary Health 3
The Health and Cultural Diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
Assessment task 2: Online Critical Appraisal from Course Content
Overview:The objective of this task is to not only explore various health issues, vulnerabilities, and inequities for populations with differing cultural needs, but also to reflect on your own learning and cultural awareness as a future healthcare provider.
A minimum of five (5) academic references are required using APA 7th Edition.
Word Count:1500 words +/- 10%
Assessment Details:
Using the same topic that you presented for your group presentation, provide responses to the following statements:
- Describe your chosen topic and how it affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and the health of the Community, outlining why it is a relevant topic to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Use current statistics or publications (less than 5 years old) to illustrate the burden of this topic / issue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples compared with non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Describe how the history of colonisation has impacted on the development of this topic / issue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
- Discuss the cultural implications and obstacles to addressing this topic / issue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
- Students are required to engage with the Rolfe Reflective Cycle around the topic and what they have learnt about the What? So What? What next?
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