Module Code: 7042SSL
Module Subject: The Global Business Environment – Evolution and Dynamics
2000 Words Essay
Assessment Information:
Critically assess the main power resources relevant to the bargaining relationships between the states and multinational Corporations. Illustrate your answer with reference to the LOGISTICS Industry.
In preparing your answer you may find it helpful to reflect on some of the following questions
- What resources does state have that MNCs want? Conversely what resources does MNCs have that states want?
- How can states use their resources to exert power over MNCs and vice versa?
- Under what circumstances / contingency doe these resources generate the most power? For example, a key power resource available to states in many industries is that they control access to their domestic market. Which states are likely to have the most power in this regard and why?
- What constraints do states and MNCs face in their bargaining relationship?
- Does the power of states and MNCs vary over time?
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